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Today on Past Gas, the story of how a fearless group of women helped organize workers to defeat one of the largest companies in the world– General Motors. GM once ruled the town of Flint with an iron fist, but employees were fed up with perilous conditions and low pay. The workers took to the streets, but protests quickly turned violent. What were the dangers involved? How did the workers get GM to bend? And how did one strike change the course of automotive history? You gotta listen to James, Nolan, and Joe to find out.


Donut Media brings you some of the craziest stories from all of automotive history in their new podcast “Past Gas!”. Hosts James Pumphrey and Nolan Sykes walk you through incredible stories behind your favorite cars and manufacturers, like underground Japanese racing clubs, bitter racing rivalries and how some of your favorite classic cars came to be. Remember, it’s about cars, not about farts.

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.

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  1. WoodBooger Bro’s Gaming

    Unions ain’t what they used to be. Overpaided, underworked.

  2. Qibble

    This episode should be required viewing for every voter going forward. Great show.

  3. f your mom

    "So James can go shoot up to speed."

  4. jakekielty1

    This intro is a banger!!! The story as well. Feminism is retarded but I love a good story of women being tough. Yeah. I said it.

  5. Chazz Branigaan

    God the Jeff Bezos thing at 25:00 hurt to watch. I thought James was bringing it up ironically at first cuz its something of a copy pasta meme. Besides the rudimentary math, that not a single one of them could solve for over a minute in their head, it speaks to a larger issue of the average population and their understanding of the money supply. To even think for a second that there is any way to distribute the world money supply that everyone could be a billionaire, let alone that one guy harbors all that wealth, shows a level of cognition so low that the person could never truly grasp the intricacies of the macro economy on any real level. Yet these same people will gladly tell you how they think the world should be run. not speaking of the Donut hosts in particular because they are not political at all but I would consider them above average intelligence but again once an actual cognitively complex topic is brought up the crumble. Scary to think.

  6. Eli Arevalo

    How does this story have under 1000 likes?

  7. Fredneck

    I love how James thinks that Jeff Bezos has all that money in liquid cash and how he can't math.

  8. Joey Schmitt

    God this needs to be a movie. But probably too radical in both senses of the word for america

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