If you need a little help here is the website . Please share this as I’m just trying to raise some awareness especially with men’s mental health

pwrpas (hwn)
in English is:
aim, object[2], purpose

Pwrpas is a local project set up to help men to improve their mental health. It will operate as a hub with its primary aim being to:

Raise awareness of the mental health challenges faced by men.

Engage with men and encourage conversation.

Signpost men to appropriate support.

Pwrpas will achieve the above by:

Working collaboratively with local employers and specialist partners.

Creating a single reference point website containing information relating to causes and symptoms of poor mental health along with sources of support.

Facilitate the training of a local network of mental health buddies and Mental Health First Aiders.

Support this network by providing regular networking events.


12.5% of men in the UK are suffering with a mental health issue.

Only 35% of men seek help with their mental health.

3 in 4 suicides are men.

In 2018 there were 6,154 suicides in UK – 16 per day!

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45, in the UK more than cancer or heart disease.

Alcohol accounts for 33,000 deaths a year in the UK.

4.3% of men in the UK are drug dependent.

It is estimated that around 2 million people in the UK are addicted to over the counter drugs.

Over 300,000 men have an eating disorder – Increase of over 70% in the 6 years to 2017.

More than 2 million people in the UK are either problem gamblers or at risk of an addiction.


C.A.L.L. Helpline

Anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of a relative or friend can access the C.A.L.L. Helpline service which offers a confidential 24/7 listening and support service.

Telephone: 0800 132 737 or Text help to: 81066 Website: Call Helpline

DAN – FREE Bilingual Drug and Alcohol Helpline

You can call DAN 24/7 on 0808 808 2234 anytime day or night or text DAN to 81066 and they will give you help and advice.

Our Sponsors

A.D. Wheeler
Gatewen Training Services
A.N. Richards
24-7 Recruitment Services
Challenger Mobile Communications
Platts Agriculture
Mindful Training
McLintocks Accountants
Jolliffes Solicitors
Cambria Dental Practice
Pwrpas MENtal Health Matters

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  1. Cleughy 87

    I have autism and suffer badly sometimes from depression because of it, there's not a lot of help out there for adults with autism.
    But I will honestly say you guy's Colin Sam, yous help me. I'm always smiling and laughing at your video's so that helps me through the days abit.

  2. Geo Ham11

    Nice one guys and good on you 👍


    YouTube should show this instead of adverts

  4. Gareth Davies

    Awesome lads. I've suffered with mental health issues since I was 19 and nobody really talked about it back then. Im 45 now and have learnt how to deal with it better thank god. So much more knowledge out there and with people like you guys raising awareness is just brilliant. ❤👍🏼👍🏼

  5. Phil

    TO ALL MEN OUT THERE, read the symptoms on the opening screenshot, where the bloke has got his head down. That says more than the video (which is great ), but look at those words,,, if they are what you feel, talk,,,, to anyone, just talk about how you feel 👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ,

  6. Garry

    Im normally not one to share, but if my experience can make other aware of what's going on inside someone's head, then good, I was fine up untill Dec 2021, i got the booster jab, a week after it, i had symptoms of a heart attack, one ECG later show the booster had knocked 3 out of 4 iron levels down to single digits, adrenalin spikes, low Folic acid level's this was the start, more issues came through time, loss of short and long term memory, i got an Alzheimer test, and failed, im only 42 years old, Doctors confirmed the early stage of Alzheimer's, not good news, now onto Mental Health, i have days i cant function, my brain is so fogged that i cant make simple decisions, like what toothbrush is mine, on the outside i look fine, but the inside is broken, some days are better than others, some days are great, the memory loss is so bad some days, that i cant remember what is upsetting me, im currently seeing a Mental Health advisor, this is helping a bit, im ashamed to say i thought about taking my own life a few weeks ago, as it seemed the easiest way to fix myself, after weeks of Mental Health talks, im seeing things a bit clearer, talking about it helped, anyone with any sort of Mental Health problem should do the dame, no matter how little or large, help is out there.

    The last few months have been the hardest time ive ever had to go through, from not knowing what was up, to diagnosis, has been hard for me to come to grips with, in times like this, talking is your best friend, i have a load of good contacts and phone numbers for free Mental Health care if anyone wants them.

    Just remember, you may feel broken and battered, but people still love you.

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