Got this question the other day in my private FB messages:

Hey man, I’m a sub. I’ve seen you help people who send you dilemmas and was wondering if you’d give your two cents on this…I’m 21 and as close to a virgin as I’d like, only had sex once at 19 and can’t remember a thing. I’m having extreme difficulty connecting with women and don’t meet many new ones…those I do I end up just friends. I’m not the best looking guy and have little confidence. I can only work on these things but I’m not into the idea of one night stands, I’m joining the military to try and work through my confidence and life issues but I’m getting increasingly concerned about my lack of experience with women and it’s only getting worse as time goes on. I also feel I get used by both friends and women and that I’m not really valued by either. What would be your opinion on what my next steps would be? Thanks.

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  1. Jennifer Buckley

    Thanks for the video. Question: Did you make that cast of the mans body hanging on your wall? It’s really cool! Would love to make one of those!

  2. Captain Topkek

    "saying things over and over in the shower"
    hmm, i'm heard that before, from the guy who was shoveling horse dung at 14 or something.

  3. Monyet Deb

    Get yourself a flight to any third world country. You will not be a virgin the next day.

  4. Mike Vars

    You are 3 people. Who you think you are, who others think you are and who you really are. Take inventory of your attributes to work on your weakness and maintain your strengths. I suffered from body dismorphia after years of cutting weight in wrestling. Being the smallest kid I was tough from taking on all the bullies. I was a natural at wrestling and it helped me puch way above my weight class, no more being bullied! It has taken a long time to get to who I am from who I thought I was. I have taken up weight training over the years and am now very well developed. The confidence draws the women in as I know I am jacked and so do they. The self affirmation and the affection from ladies creates a positive loop that builds self confidence. To get in the loop you need to believe in yourself 1st.

  5. Stress Lee

    I was an actual virgin until 20, not by choice lol
    But when I had more experience in life and then decided to adopt that “I don’t give a fuck” lifestyle and actually worked out, got a nice car, etc
    Then! And only then when I loosened up and started not caring I literally started getting so many women, even women that previously didn’t want anything to do with me and they were straight up telling me that they didn’t know what happened to me but they loved the new me 😂

    You gotta work on it is my point. Don’t just be a sad sap guys.

  6. Joseph Jones

    Like what one of my favorite YouTubers says every single video he uploads, which is daily: "it is a great day to have a great day"

  7. Guns 6

    I'm 21 I started lifting I feel good yet I feel empty, I can do one arm push ups and one arm hand stand push ups, I say confidence comes from females the more they validate your ego the more you think you're the shit and can get any girl lately I've been getting ignored I've been rejected and left on read.

  8. The successful mind

    this is the single greatest piece of advice you have given to help young men going through social financial and relationship issues as well as self worth. Glad i found your channel a couple years back . Keep rocking Rich

  9. Cristian Aviles

    I’m 21 and I’m still a virgin 😭😭😭

  10. Harry Hitter

    Transparency Is great man 👍

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