This is how you should urn your one man auto repair shop.

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VIdeos are for entertainment purposes only. The Mechanic OC inc. is not responsible for any damage physical or monetary or any other sort due to these videos. Consult a professional in your area before undertaking any vehicle repairs.

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  1. Isaiah Lopez

    Must have been tired when editing the intro

  2. Big Ohhh!

    What all software do you recommend for the business???

  3. Big Ohhh!

    What do you charge for inspection?

  4. bimmer325is1

    Hey, I had a question.

    Would it be a smart idea. To start a mobile services.. that only focus on fluid flushes… transmission, transfer case, front and rear diff, coolant, oil changes, power steering flush, brake fluid flushes..

    Let me know that's.

  5. xyz20121000

    How about garage lease ? where to find a garage mecanic for lease ,what's the average?🙏

  6. Smalltown405

    Thank you 🙏🏾 much needed advice

  7. CortleyJoe5 Burns

    What if you have a big job like a trans do you turn away the rest?

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