Overweight and want to pack on muscle mass? Do you use a bulking diet, then cut weight? Or should you cut weight, then try to build muscle? Steve Shaw has the answer you are after.

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  1. Iron Man

    Hey I'm 5'9" & 200lbs I'm a bit fat ☹️.
    What do u suggest I do? Time is not a factor for me.

  2. Mrmax84

    I weigh 184 should I focus on building muscle or losing weight

  3. Seth Miller

    Thank you I hate the way I look I been trying now for 2 years trying to loose weight and I've only lost like 20 pounds but gained muscle but I'm never ganna give up I was like 320 now I'm 290 was 280 but I'm taking a break being on a diet for a 2 years is very hard to do I wont give up I will get ripped I will get rid of sleep apnea I will get rid of my pain a bit and I will be there for my kids and grand kids

  4. Tom W

    I am 194 cm (6ft4.) I weigh about 116 kg, I started at 121 kg. ANd I hate it. I want that fat off me. I was in better shape 6 years ago. It was my personal Peak so far. And I miss that feeling. Right now everything at the gym feels slow and inefficient. Dieting is also a main gripe that I want to but couldnt so far get under control. ADHD often kicks my ass when it comes to discipline on food and prep and staying strong to say no to fast food or sweets. I have most of the basic knowledge to succeed. Its just ADHD is hellbend to handicap me taking so much more energy to accomplish this. I am brute forcing right now. Sometimes I skip my Cardio but at least I was at the gym for my Muscle training. I am too impatient. I am too regretful of the years Missed were I could have build my dream body. (I am actually into a gym since my early 20s. Wished I had stayed on the ball all that time!)

  5. Paul v.D

    im probably at 20% bf rn. been lifting for 6 months. should i bulk now or cut?

  6. Sonya U

    Please help I’m overweight 40 lbs I’m walking on the peleton uphill ans jogging everyday I’m burning 1000 calories a day ans eating around 1200 calories I’m a woman ans not loosing weight my clothes fit great I can see a diffrence am I doing something wrong

  7. NLGL10n3l 👹⚡

    "Always lose the fat first"
    Me who's desperately to build muscle as a powerlifter: "Cardio? Is that Spanish for Permabulk?"

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