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  1. CrownS n LessonS

    Ummm I'm traditional so I agree with the men on this, can I afford all those things yep. But I enjoy being a woman and doing women shyt, I'm a true believer of gender roles without them the dynamic is fk'd up hence the blk commu n uhh ty be trying to follow ww. I think having all that devalues the woman and is a waste of a woman. Sorry NOT sorry 🤷🏾‍♀️… I agree with mnen finding other women of origin who still believes in gender roles…

  2. lolo Mora

    bm are so jealous of bw it's disgusting

  3. Diane Crowder

    I say to everyone breathing and living, do you all day long!😁🤷🏾‍♀️😎

  4. Dallas Henderson

    YouTube this video is waste of you airtime. Really, they just pick the wrong guy. Now get someone else. Ladies what make you happy makes me happy more power too you. Have a happy life. The pretty lady that went to school in D.C I love you and your ideas we could be together.

  5. Sheila Richardson

    What is the actual problem with people willing to pay for services if time doesn’t permit or they just don’t feel like it? Its hard being everything to everybody while working and maintaining a house! Its not an impossible, unaffordable endeavor, but somehow thats how its coming across in the comments. Its giving strange vibes. I pay for help , because I can’t do the cleaning alone.

  6. Anthony Jenkins

    This whole conversation is pointless. The united states is going to shit And men and women study trying to find any type of way to separate themselves from each other.
    men in here in their feelings and women Bragging and still at the same time single almost forty years old.
    We are so fucked.

  7. Mark Addison

    Vanity will keep you alone and spiteful in real-time. Humility will attract humble people. Hypocrisy of love is greed and selfishness.

  8. Mark Addison

    You know 65% of men make under 50,000 yrly? If you think that 35% going to be your choice . Catch that lightning strike. 🌩

  9. Lovermuff Rainbowsprinkles 🌈

    Was briefly talking to a man I met at the gym. He messages me one day and asked what I was up to. I told him I was getting a facial, a mani/pedi, my hair retwisted (I have locs) and meeting a friend for shopping/dinner. Something I do every other Sunday.

    This man goes “oh you sound like you’re about to go on a date. Are you trying to pick up other guys?” It was at that moment I knew this guy was only going to take away and not add anything to my life. He was looking for a low maintenance woman who catered to him only. I blocked him immediately. As a dsbw I noticed it’s only BM and other BW who feel a way about a woman who looks like me who’s well taken care of and live a soft life. Why he would say that when he met me in an environment that obviously shows I prioritize self care (gym) and well put together is beyond me. Some men get so jealous because they feel that you’re doing better than you “deserve” which means they don’t think highly of you in the first place. Bullet dodged.

  10. And The Wild Bean Appears

    Ladies, stop picking up any man just to say "I got a man". Because when you're more wealthy than he is, he's still gonna try to control your finances and "be the leader".
    He'll pay the light bill and tell you how to spend your money

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