With their custom made ambulances Clarkson, Hammond and May are all given the task of completing a medical procedure whilst The Stig drives them round the test track. Who will come out with the biggest casualty? From Top Gear, Series 22 Episode 3.

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  1. Robert Takacs

    The words usually spoken by paramedics to patients here in the UK: "Stop vomiting you idiot!"
    Very accurate depiction

  2. Justin Marcum

    "If it's 1 or more, it's an issue" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. RcDriftTokfan

    that thumnail was worth it

  4. Anime lover 2903

    My YouTube is so broken the video is playing at the bottom of the screen

  5. Luisditaa

    Clarkson covered in blood and in front of a rubber pebnis is pure art πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Morgan Blackwell

    I know Ian Bleasdale played a character named Josh Griffiths and that Casualty is an E.R. drama; I’ve never actually watched it, though, but I’d guess from context that he’s a doctor or paramedic. Is that the entire joke, or is there more to the reference? (5:32, β€œI want Josh back from Casualty.”)

  7. Eric H

    Pretty good stuff, I just realized that Mario updated his favorite way to tackle ED and it's crazy! Although what he previously talked about was pretty decent, it was difficult to follow, I just go'ogled the latest in Mario's Thunderous Erections, it's so much simpler and potent now!

  8. MarshallK

    Funny, until recently I hadn't realized that Mario updated his favorite way to tackle ED and it's a relief! Although what he previously suggested was pretty good, it was a real pain to follow… I just go'ogled the latest in Mario's Thunderous Erections, it's so much easier and potent now!

  9. Alester Mysterio

    worst surgery on the road…

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