On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year there were 776 deaths on our roads, by 2008 that number had fallen to 303.

This five minute retrospective of road safety campaigns is a compilation of 20 year of TAC ads. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change the way we drive, to the song Everybody Hurts by REM.

This TAC campaign is a chance to revisit some of the images that have been engraved on our memories, remember the many thousands of people who have been affected by road trauma and remind us all that for everyone’s sake; please, drive safely.

There’s no one someone won’t miss.

Towards Zero is a TAC vision for a future free of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.

It acknowledges that as humans, we make mistakes. But when those mistakes happen on our roads we come off second best, because our bodies aren’t designed to absorb high impact speeds. They never have been and never will be.

For more information on Toward Zero visit –

Transport Accident Commission Victoria. –

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  1. Andrew Bergamann

    "It was an accident"
    No, it wasn't. Driving drunk is a decision, that requires agency, and that is not an accident.

  2. Andrew Davis

    Phenomenal advert that i share on my Facebook wall often. Shows the utter destruction that drinking and driving can cause.

  3. Northern Ninja Runner

    Had a friend Kirsty killed years ago by a drink driver. She would of been in her early 40's now. RIP Kirsty

  4. Marc Rhodes

    Needs to be shown in every school

  5. Spongeboi me bob

    In the army they made us watch this before we went on block leave lmaoo. Memories

  6. Thetner

    And they don’t show such graphic ads nowadays because it upsets too many people. WTF.😞

  7. Random Stuff.

    While most would be disgusted and traumatized because of these ads (me included.), I find it amazing how most of these campaigns are still active today and still trying to convince the world to actually think, in a very graphic and convincing way. Here's to 20 more years of helping change the world!

  8. Kiril Velinov

    Greece:650 accidents every year
    Until 2001,it was shortened to 325.

  9. Kiril Velinov

    This is worse than Tose Proeski's death

  10. LizzieB Kennedy

    When good government and policy commitment come together, and funding is invested, you can save humanity. Even from ourselves. ThTs the whole point. Thank you, TAC.

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