Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1765 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 Adaptation At Limit
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1785 Shift Up/Down Wire Short To B+
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1815 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 Short To B+
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1766 Throttle Angle Signal Stuck Off
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1786 Reversing Light Circuit Open
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1818 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 Electrical
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1767 Throttle Angle Signal Stuck On
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1787 Reversing Light Circuit Short To Ground
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1819 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 Open/Short To Ground
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1768 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 Too High