Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1842 Check DTC Memory Of Instrument Panel ECU
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1860 Kick Down Switch Error Message From Engine Control
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1843 Check DTC Memory Of Distance Control ECU
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1861 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Error Messge From ECM
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1763 Shift Lock Open
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1784 Shift Up/Down Wire Open/Short to Ground
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1814 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 Open/Short To Ground
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1765 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2 Adaptation At Limit
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1785 Shift Up/Down Wire Short To B+
Volkswagen specific DTC OBD2 code: P1815 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 Short To B+